Monday 27 May 2013

3 Subjects Down And The Open Day

Evening! First of all apologies for the lack of posts over the past couple of weeks!

We only have one day left of our third subject; Meteorology. The time is going so fast! Met has been quite an interesting subject and certain aspects have been slightly easier to understand due to A Level Geography... it actually came in useful! We move onto Instruments on Thursday, have a week of that and then finally onto Comms for three days. Then it’s on to the mock exams and the real things. Scary!

Becoming Weather Nerds!

CTC had an open day on Saturday which I helped out with. It was a good day and I enjoyed chatting to people about the course and giving advice. It doesn't seem like 5 minutes since I was looking around, it felt like it would be so far off back then; how things change! Unfortunately, I didn't get to fly any of the simulators but there’s always next time! I'm going over to CTC in Bournemouth on Wednesday to have a look around the facilities and there is also a possibility of back seating one of the DA42’s over there. Looking forward to it, just hope it is nice weather.

Basically my life right now consists of question bank, eating, sleeping and question bank. But mainly question bank. 
Bye for now...

Monday 6 May 2013

First Week Of Ground School Complete

Thought I’d take a break from working right now to update you all on the first week of ground school here at CTC. We started off last Monday with Aircraft General Knowledge (AGK). We had three days of AGK covering topics such as Airframe stress and fatigue, Fuel Systems, Landing Gear, Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Thursday was a computer based training day (CBT day, we get one every week) to make sure we understand everything and to do some question banking. We moved straight onto the next topic, Principles of Flight (POF) last Friday, however we will be coming back to finish off AGK next week. So far in POF we have covered how lift is created over a wing, different types of drag and how wing vortices are created, it contains a lot more maths and physics and is basically just a load of formulas! Over this weekend it has taken me a bit of time to understand everything but I think I’m almost there, they like to confuse us by having a lot of different names for one thing.


Boeing 737-800 Full Motion Simulator

Basically how the day works is we leave at 8.30am for a 9am start and finish around 4pm; then I get home, have a break for an hour or so and then continue working until around 10pm. It’s important to make sure you stay on top of the work as it is such a fast paced course and every lesson is something new. Falling behind would just make it 10 times more difficult! Most of the work is quite interesting, there are some not so interesting parts as well though; however it’s quite amazing how much I have learnt in just a week!

Doing some work outside today